Hide "Run" On Start Menu

Run menu in the Start menu is used to speed access to the program or executable file that is usually not recorded in the Start>> All Programs. But for some reason, for example, security reasons, we can Hide Run Menu On Start Menu, so therefore, people who use a computer we can not access them.

Steps Hide Run Menu On Start Menu is as follows.

1. Click Start>> Run>> then type regedit and press OK or ENTER until the Registry Editor window appears.

2. Then click HKEY_CURRENT_USER>> Software>> Microsoft>> Windows>> Current Version>> Policies>> Explorer

3. Then right-click on the Explorer>> New Dword>>

4. Rename New Value becomes NoRun

5. NoRun double click on the Edit window appears so that the Dword Value.

6. Change Value data to 1.

7. Done

Now, please logoff or restart your PC and make sure the Run is not appearing.